I’m officially 10 days into the non-spending, and so far it’s been pretty mellow…
One minor temptation occurred when I (finally) returned a pair of shoes that have been sitting in the backseat of my car for a month. My normal M.O. would have been to exchange them for a pair of cute spring wedges or some such thing, arguing that it was essentially “free money", but instead I dutifully returned them and walked out of the store empty-handed. I felt strong, empowered. It was good.
Oh and there was also that moment during the (ill-advised) Friday evening trek to Target with the entire family when I replied to Audrey’s request for a little stuffed animal with a sort of frantic, “Are you crazy, don’t you know we’re on a spending hiatus right now, what are you trying to do to me kid…”
She looked at me like I had lost my mind. I had.
Ok so other than that, pretty mellow ;-)
There are almost 50 of you doing the spending hiatus in some way. (I've included a list of all the participants below, let me know if I’ve missed someone or if you still want to join.)
Meg / Ana / Christina / Nicole / Jenny / Michelle / Sherry / Karey / Stephanie / I heart kiwi / Molly / Alexis / Katie / Trish / Shellbell / Liz / Shayna / Kate / Kristie / Elsa May / Rachel / Engracia / Leah / Pam / Megan / Kristin / Allison / Melissa / Leni / Alix / Heather / Modern Eve / Laura / sk / Ashley / Stephanie / Alexis / KJ / Sarah Elizabeth / Jacqueline / Emily / Dana / Jen / Bri / Kristina / Elaina / Alex / Christine / Jocelyn / Gina / missy + ally
So how’s it going for you guys? Did you make it through the first week?
you really do have the best dresses. seriously.
I love that dress and I am doing so incredibly good with my spending hiatus... so well I can't believe it myself. Have a nice day♥
hee hee ha ha...oh, I can so relate and loved your temporary loss of mind! :) Good for you my dear and I adore your dress, as usual.
doing pretty good on this end. i had one weak moment with a pair of silk jammie pants. it's cold and snowy so it's easy not to leave the house. no internet shopping either. next we need an exercise challenge. btw, LOVE the dress.
Beautiful dress, you have the best style. Spending hiatus in good form. It took all of my willpower not to buy a squirrel nutcracker. That previous sentence alone should be enough to explain why someone would want a spending hiatus. I think when someone *ahem* said the reason blogs exist is because of office jobs they actually meant blogs exist so that everything we covet in real life can be ours in our perfect pretend life. Kind of like playing dress-up!
Thanks for including me. I am into the second week of my second month, and I feel empowered. I have never realized the power of my self control. I do have yearnings for things, but I just think I can wait to make these purchases. Hopefully I don't go binge shopping. Haha Thanks for sharing the pretty dress. You certainly should appreciate that one!
the dress is gorgeous :)
I did have one weak moment. I've been in need of leggings and bought a $6 pair from target. But other than that, completely easy on this end. I'm even selling some stuff on craigs list tonight. I'll make a little money during the spending hiatus. And I just did the same things with shoes the other day too! It felt great to return and walk away empty handed.
if you're on a spending hiatus, what are you doing going to target ;-) the easiest way to avoid shopping in my opinion is to avoid stores.
Please add me :)
This is going to be great!
Shayna -- seriously...could i love you more ;-)
Julia -- I know!!! I should have never been in Target, as I said, ill advised move. ;-)
all things considered, the only really non-essential purchase i've made so far was a 99c tube of lipstick, but i've had to stop multiple times over the past 10 days when i've seen something online and remind myself that i can't buy it.
Update coming on Monday! Although this is the first real week for me because we had some Ikea shopping to do for the new place last weekend. I'm hoping to sit down with D tomorrow and talk about how to tackle it as a unit.
Thanks for your update!
Considering that for the past 10 days we have been pummeled with snow on the east coast it has been pretty easy not spending. Planned trips to the grocery store for essentials is the extent of our shopping excursions, however internet shopping has been tempting me.
oh, count me in too please! i'll try my best.
So far so good. Aidan's birthday fell on 1/31, so got that spending in before the hiatus. Even prepaid his birthday party that was in Feb. The only purchase was a cake carrier for his birthday cake. Love the dress. Should have done some cloths shoping before the hiatus. Just got a gig where the attire is dressier than my usual.
I'm doing extremely well. I have to keep reminding myself when I'm out and about. Even at the grocery store this morning. It's amazing how I can spend money on frivolous items at the market, but they now sell Le Creuset.
Argh! Totally spaced today and ventured into toy store w/2 yr old and walked out with wooden princess, playdough and sticker books!! Yikes! I'll add on an extra week :)
I should really enroll my husband in the hiatus... Kiwi is always trolling Gilt for deals.
So far so good! There is an amazing used book sale in town this weekend but luckily Kiwi and I will be gone... The results could have been disastrous!
Stay strong lady!
I did make it through the first week and am v. proud of myself. My strategy was that If I didn't have the cash, I didn't buy it and since i rarely carry anything over $30 or so with me, it made it much easier.
yes, yes, count me in! i have been on a spending hiatus since the first of the year - and minus a small purchase from the mini-social, i am doing extremely well!
Yep, the only thing I've purchased was a ceramic "I'm not a paper cup" travel mug with free Amazon rewards cash.
As reluctant as I am, I think I'm going to have to join you on this one. just graduating college + average starting salary + chicago shopping = not good for my bank account.
I'll be looking to you for support!
Good luck to everyone!
oh. well. keep in mind that we're in the middle of a snowstorm up in here {did i just write up in here? oy. a new low.} and uncle sugar continues to be in charge of grocery duty.
and he does not understand the meaning of no sour patch kids.
nor {sob} do i. but i've had one bag on my shelf beside my desk for three hours. untouched. i'm going with that. baby steps.
otherwise...spending? nada. i'm cool with that. xoxo.
It's only been a week?!!
Phew. Long week for me... I had a brief moment of panic this weekend when I happened to stroll past a newly opened Anthro store. Awesome for the city of Minneapolis but bad for me. However, I remained steadfast and never entered.
I'm just not that strong yet.
I did pretty well, except for buying some "not on my grocery shopping list" French butter. It was worth it though. Other than that, I have been sticking to it. Though this week it seems like I am coming across things that I can just barely do without. But that's the way it goes.
Here's to being almost half done with Week 2!
I'm proud to say it's gone pretty well! I always get tempted when new magazines come out, and that was tough, but I knew I could come home at the end of the day and check out blogs and that would be just as much fun. I have also been eating healthier since I'm working on taking my lunches rather than picking up something fast. I think this is a great idea, and I'm glad you're motivating so many people to participate!
I didn't do any mindless shopping but ended up spending more than I wanted to at a couple parties this weekend. Like when you tell yourself 'I'll just have one drink and take the train home' but it ends up being 3-4 cocktails and now you have to take a taxi... Well, so now I'm on a spending hiatus AND partying hiatus...
So far so good. I just need to avoid Etsy - it's SO tempting. It's my birthday in a couple of weeks so I did get to choose a print {or two} for my hubby to buy for me...but I must not buy any myself!
Well done everyone and thanks for starting this Joslyn :-)
Yes, I'm pretty pleased with myself. I actually walked into a store, tried on a gorgeous dress, it looked great and then I put it back on the hanger and walked out without spending a cent. Gave a 5 year old a present from my present drawer, designed a card and printed it out on card I found in one of my drawers. I did buy 2 bras, but as far as I am concerned when you are well endowed (as I am) this is a necessity every 6 montsh or so.
dress perfection! i think i'd like to join, although i'm going to have to think further about my specific "hiatus" goal. :)
1. Cute dress.
2. Way to go you no holds bar, returning those shoes, diva! I am so proud, so very proud!
Good for you - returning the shoes - so hard!! What brand is that beautiful dress? Love it! I'm joining in the spending hiatus. thanks!
First of all, that dress is just lovely. ;)
Second, I put myself in a rather precarious position, and I'm proud to say I came out on the other side without giving in to temptation! I took the babies to Target last week (what is WITH that place?!), and though we only should have been there for about 15 minutes, both Henry and Amelia fell asleep. FINALLY fell asleep that day, and so I didn't want to leave the store and risk waking them, so instead I walked every aisle of the store. Several times I put things in my cart -- a valentine's mug, a white bedskirt, a pair of heart knee socks, a stack of greeting cards, to name a few -- BUT (thank god there's a but!), I actually had the strength to take each of those things out of my cart and leave that grand store with only the items we actually needed.
I patted myself on the back. (And the babes were well rested all afternoon.) :)
How many more weeks to go?
going ok. although a trip to costco is in the works for this weekend. yikes. but I've been good: did NOT buy fancy valentine sprinkles for our homemade treats, but opted to make do with the odd-n-ends sprinkles lurking in my pantry corners. did NOT buy fancy ribbon to wrap said treats, but made do with odds-n-ends in my craft bin. did NOT order the Banana Republic beautiful blouse (on sale even!) because it's probably too sheer and I just really don't need it. This one really stings.
Gina -- the dress is by Paul & Joe Sister...glad you're joining!
kristin -- that is some major will power lady! so inspiring ;-)
Joslyn - count us in!
first shot life = missy (LA) and ally (NYC). (this is missy now): we're 25, still scraping by on entry level salaries in our dream industries, and could really use a little support when it comes to spending wisely. We vow to carry this haitus through April 2nd - which happens to be the Friday that Ally comes to visit me in LA.
Thanks for the inspiration!
I sorta made it....I bought new mascara even though I have about 5 open tubes. All these years of wearing it and I still can't find one that I really adore!
you got me. i have been thinking about the spending hiatus a lot. my last comment was that i needed sometime to think but I would be starting the 15th. now you 'published' my name and the 15th is 2 days away. oh man, I have had awful thoughts bending my own rules before i have even started {admitting this makes me feel better} thanks for keeping me honest {wink}.
What a great adventure. We did this last summer and called it "no spend month" I learned volumes about myself and the things I covet in the process. I hope you time is helpful as well. http://thecitycradle.com/no-spend-month
good luck on your hiatus! i'm in london temporarily but as soon as i get back to nyc, i'm going to start one too. thanks for the inspiration!
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